Medical schools in Australia for International Students – Top 15 best schools includes undergraduate and accredited medical schools in Sydney, Adelaide, Melbourne, Perth in Australia with contact details and address for local and international student admissions and faculty jobs.
List of top 15 best Medical schools in Australia for International Students !
Griffith University School of Medicine – Southport, Gold Coast
In 1971, Griffith was created to be a new kind of university—one that offered new degrees in progressive fields such as Asian studies and environmental science. At the time, these study areas were revolutionary—today, they’re more important than ever.
Since then, they have grown into a comprehensive, research-intensive university, ranking in the top 5% of universities worldwide. Their teaching and research spans five campuses in South East Queensland and all disciplines, while their network of more than 120,000 graduates (both local and international) extends around the world.
Contact details and address: Parklands Dr, Southport QLD 4222, Australia. Phone: +61 7 3735 7111.
Sydney Medical School – Camperdown, Sydney
The School of Medical Sciences (SMS) is administratively and financially part of the Sydney Medical School where it teaches a range of discipline-areas to Medical and Dental students.
The School is also however academically part of the Faculty of Science where it teaches extensively in the Bachelor of Medical Science as well as in many discipline-based courses in the Bachelor of Science. The School also teaches into the Bachelor of Pharmacy degree. The School of Medical Sciences is thus by far the largest School in the University of Sydney and larger than many of the seventeen Faculties.
Contact details and address: New South Wales 2006, Australia. Phone: +61 2 9351 2222.
University of Western Australia Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences – Perth
The Faculty mission is to provide education, service and research that creates better health for the benefit of the West Australian, Australian and International community.
Faculty staff collaborate with prominent institutes, teaching hospitals, specialist research organisations and community groups on an enormous range of projects. Researchers across the schools work with national and international teams from Southeast Asia, Europe, USA, Canada, South Africa and India.
Contact details and address: 35 Stirling Hwy, Crawley WA 6009, Australia. Phone: +61 8 6488 8500.
University of Western Sydney School of Medicine – Campbelltown, Sydney
Although a relatively young university, they acknowledge a long tradition of providing higher education for over 200 years through predecessor institutions.
Today, UWS has grown to become a truly world-class university. As one of Australia’s largest university, over 42,000 students choose to study at UWS. UWS is committed to enriching learning opportunities for local and overseas students through the provision of blended learning resources and activities.
Contact details and address: 30, Narellan Rd & Gilchrist Dr, Campbelltown NSW 2560, Australia. Phone: +61 2 9852 5222.
James Cook University School of Medicine and Dentistry – Townsville
The University conducts nationally significant and internationally recognised research in areas such as marine sciences, biodiversity, tropical ecology and environments, global warming, tourism, and tropical medicine and public health care in under-served populations.
At JCU, the Bachelor of Medicine / Bachelor of Surgery is a six-year, full time undergraduate degree in medicine and surgery. It is the only full medical course in northern Australia.
Contact phone: 07 4781 5255 or 1800 246 446.
University of Newcastle School of Medicine and Public Health
University of New England – Newcastle, Armidale
The School of Medicine and Public Health is the largest of four Schools within the Faculty of Health and Medicine. The School’s educational strengths are the Joint Medical Program and postgraduate programs in population health.
The School also has a strong research focus and works closely with the Hunter Medical Research Institute (HMRI) which has pioneered the integration of multi-campus university and hospital based-research.
Contact phone: +612 4921 5000.
Flinders University School of Medicine – Adelaide
Geographically dispersed across the north-south corridor of Australia, the School of Medicine’s students, staff, health professionals and community leaders work together to improve the health of society through health professional education, research and clinical practice.
Flinders University enjoys a well-justified reputation for its excellence in teaching and research. It has a long-standing commitment to enhancing educational opportunities for all and a proud record of community engagement.
Since being established in 1966, Flinders has achieved much of which they can be very proud—in innovative research, in high quality teaching and in community engagement.
Contact details and address: Sturt Road, Bedford Park (Adelaide), South Australia. Phone: +61 8 8204 4160 (Dean).
Monash University Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences – Clayton, Melbourne
Monash University is committed to the highest quality in teaching, learning, research, and a wide range of professional and community activities.
The university believes in the value of free and rational inquiry, and in the pursuit of knowledge as a key to understanding and improvement of the human condition. Monash students and its graduates are spirited and ready to take the initiative – they are self-reliant, egalitarian, contemporary and international in perspective.
The Faculty is committed to maintaining Monash University as a leading international medical research university, recognised for the breadth and depth of its research, for its opportunities and commitment to postgraduate training, and as a thriving biotechnology hub.
Contact details and address: Monash University, Victoria 3800, Australia. Phone: +61 3 9905 4301.
Deakin University School of Medicine – Geelong
Established in 1974, Deakin was Victoria’s fourth university and the first in regional Victoria.
Today, Deakin operates in a global, connected world with the digital economy influencing every aspect of their activities.
The goal of the medical school is to contribute to the improvement of the health and well being of Australians by creating a cohort of new doctors who are skilled and motivated to pursue a career in medicine in rural and regional areas either as specialists or general practitioners.
Contact details and address: Waurn Ponds campus, Geelong, Victoria, Australia.
Melbourne Medical School – Parkville, Melbourne
The Doctor of Medicine is a four-year full-time course available to both Australian and international students. The course comprises a total of 400 credit points.
Each year students lead an interdisciplinary conference, between Semester 1 and Semester 2, worth 6.25 credit points per year. The course commences at the start of each calendar year. There is no mid-year intake.
The degree builds on prerequisite knowledge of anatomy, physiology and biochemistry acquired through undergraduate study. It delivers advanced clinical and academic training to ensure both local and international students are prepared for the challenges of a high quality medical internship. There are three clinical school zones involved with the MD course and individual hospitals within each zone.
Contact details and address: Ground Floor, Medical Building, Cnr Grattan Street & Royal Parade, University of Melbourne VIC 3010, Australia.
The other schools that complete this list of top 15 best Medical schools in Australia for International Students are:
University of Notre DameSchool of Medicine, Fremantle
Australian National University Medical School, Canberra
University of Wollongong Graduate School of Medicine, Wollongong
Bond University Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine, Gold Coast
University of Tasmania School of Medicine, Tasmania
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