Dental schools in New York

By | June 15, 2015
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Dental schools in New York – Top 4 best dental hygiene schools and residency programs in Buffalo, NYC and Stony Brook in New York State, USA with contact details and address for admissions and jobs.

List of top 4 best dental schools in New York !

Columbia University College of Dental Medicine, New York City

Columbia University College of Dental Medicine (CDM) was established in 1916, and has been known for most of its history as the School of Dental and Oral Surgery. Located on the University’s Medical Center Campus since it opened in 1928, the College links its research and teaching programs to the vast resources of the University in general and the Medical Center in particular. The College seeks to attract a diverse faculty and student body, to foster a supportive and intellectually challenging academic environment, and is committed to improving the oral health of vulnerable populations. In harmony with the mission of Columbia University, CDM is developing an international program in education and service.

The College is committed to providing its students with a rich and diverse clinical
education experience, by improving the oral health of and bringing clinical services to underserved and
minority patients of northern Manhattan. CDM provides an academic environment that encourages students to take advantage of the educational opportunities that the University offers in such diverse areas as public health, informatics, and biomedical research, thereby enriching the education of those who will enter the practice of dentistry and the dental specialties.

Contact details and address: 622 W 168th St, New York, NY 10032, United States. Phone: +1 212-305-6100.

Dental schools in New York

New York University College of Dentistry, New York City

The NYU College of Dentistry is the third oldest and the largest dental school in the United States, educating nearly eight percent of the nation’s dentists annually. NYUCD has nearly 1,900 students in its various pre- and postdoctoral programs from all over the United States and 40 foreign countries. Nearly 50 percent of all currently enrolled students are women and minorities. NYUCD offers specialty training in the following dental specialty areas: endodontics, oral and maxillofacial surgery, orthodontics, pediatric dentistry, periodontics, and prosthodontics, as well as in implant dentistry; conducts an extensive continuing education program; and is home to the only dental school-affiliated dental hygiene program in New York State.

In addition to educating health professionals, NYUCD endeavors through its faculty, students, and alumni to improve the health of the highly diverse populations in New York City and around the world. NYUCD provides approximately 300,000 visits annually to the most multiethnic, multicultural patient population in the nation. NYU College of Dentistry has one of strongest the largest and most rapidly growing research programs in the country.

Contact details and address: 345 E 24th St, New York, NY 10010, United States. Phone: +1 212-998-9800.

 Dental schools in New York

State University of New York at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine, Buffalo

Established in 1892, the School of Dental Medicine continues to educate general practitioners, specialists and biomedical scientists in the art and science of oral health through comprehensive accredited programs – DDS, certificates in advanced general dentistry, endodontics, general practice residency, oral and maxillofacial surgery/MD, oral and maxillofacial pathology, pediatric dentistry, periodontics, and prosthodontics; and Masters degree in biomaterials, oral sciences and orthodontics; and the first Oral Biology PhD program in the US. Education programs are provided to some of these 5000 alumni and others through Continuing Dental Education offerings. As a proud member of the prestigious Association of American Universities (AAU), the University at Buffalo is committed to discovery, both basic and applied research, development and scholarship particularly related to oral health and disease.

Efforts are facilitated through collaborations within UB especially among the 4 other schools, nursing, pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences, medicine and biomedical sciences, and public health and health related professions, that comprise the Academic Health Center. This rich environment offers students and faculty an extraordinary opportunity to partner in multidisciplinary research, scholarship and creative activity. Service to the community results in over 140,000 annual visits by patients seeking comprehensive, emergency or specialty oral health care each year to our general and specialty clinics located both in Squire and Foster Halls on UB’s south campus, at partner hospital locations and at their mobile dental van in Chautauqua county.

Contact details and address:  3435 Main St #32, Buffalo, NY 14214, United States. Phone: +1 716-829-2821.

Dental schools in New York

State University of New York at Stony Brook School of Dental Medicine, Stony Brook

The School of Dental Medicine is an active participant in meeting the general missions of the University. It was founded in the year 1968. The school conducts an excellent educational program for its students, contributes to scientific knowledge through its active programs in research, and actively participates in community service through its programs in continuing education and its treatment center, which provides dental care to thousands of community residents each year. The school is fully accredited by the Commission on Dental Education and the State Educational Department and is a component school of the Health Sciences Center at Stony Brook.

The school incorporates the disciplines of prosthodontics, operative dentistry, dental materials and radiology into a single department of general dentistry. Orthodontics and pediatric dentistry are combined into a department of orthodontics and pediatric dentistry. Other departments in the school include periodontology, oral and maxillofacial surgery, dental medicine, oral biology and pathology and hospital dentistry and dental anesthesiology.

Contact details and address: Rockland Hall, 100 Nicolls Rd, Stony Brook, NY 11794, United States. Phone +1 631-632-8900.


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