Medical schools in Michigan

By | October 15, 2013
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Medical schools in Michigan – Top 5 best schools includes pre medical, medical assistant and diagnostic medical sonography schools in Ann Arbor, Detroit, Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids and Rochester in Michigan, USA with contact details and address for student admissions and jobs.

List of top 5 best medical schools in Michigan !

University of Michigan Medical School, M4101 Medical Science Building I – C Wing, 1301 Catherine, Ann Arbor, MI  48109-5624, United States. Phone: (734) 763-9600

The University of Michigan was founded in 1817 as one of the first public universities in the US. Today, the University of Michigan remains one of the most distinguished universities in the world and a leader in higher education. The Medical School was the University’s first professional school, and since graduating its first class of six students in 1851, they have become a leader in preparing the physicians and scientists of the future.

Their faculty, partnered with a dedicated staff, is committed to creating the future of health care through discovery. This includes offering a medical education that sets the standard for discourse, intellectual rigor and creativity. The University of Michigan Medical School fosters a visionary culture. The changes proposed in their recent curriculum transformation reflect their efforts to attract, encourage, and reward those who have grand ideas and wish to improve the world of medicine.

Conducting research, teaching and delivering clinical care with the highest ethical standards is a privilege they honor every day at the U-M Medical School. Their responsibility is to the public and their trust in their activities are at the forefront in all of the work that they do. Not only do their faculty, staff, students and trainees lead and participate in international initiatives in research, education, and collaborations in health; they also bring knowledge gained during their outreach back to campus for the benefit of the community.

Medical schools in Michigan

Wayne State University School of Medicine, 540 E Canfield St, Detroit, MI 48201, United States. Phone: +1 313-577-1335

Founded in 1868, the Wayne State University School of Medicine is the largest single-campus medical school in the nation with more than 1,000 medical students. In addition to undergraduate medical education, the school offers master’s degree, Ph.D. and M.D.-Ph.D. programs in 14 areas of basic science to about 400 students annually. Perhaps the most significant contribution the School provides to the community is care to area residents who are under- or uninsured.

Along with the Detroit Medical Center, WSU faculty physicians provide an average of $150 million in uncompensated care annually. The M.D./Ph.D. program prepares physician scientists to excel in careers in research and education. The program provides a truly integrated clinical and scientific training experience designed to meet the individual needs of each student through all years of the program.

Their programs combine outstanding scientific training with state-of-the-art clinical medicine to train individuals as physician-scientists, excelling in careers in research and education. The Master’s program curriculum can greatly enhance the academic preparation of individuals seeking future entry into human or veterinary medical, dental, or pharmacologic professional degree program.

A main source for medical education support is the Office of Student Financial Aid. The office provides access to financial resources, and informs and educates students and their families about their financial options. During the pre-clinical years, students receive a financial package of approximately $73,000.

This includes an annual stipend of up to $27,500, full tuition scholarship, and up to $3,500 for health insurance if required. Besides, during the graduate research training years, students continue to receive full tuition scholarship, and also receive subsidized health and dental insurance, as well as a graduate stipend of up to $30,000 each year.

Medical schools in Michigan

Michigan State University College of Human Medicine, 15 Michigan St NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503, United States. Phone: +1 616-233-1678

Founded in 1964, Michigan State University College of Human Medicine is nationally recognized as one of the nation’s pioneers of community-based medical education. MSU College of Human Medicine sponsors 13 residencies and is affiliated with another 45 residencies in 13 teaching hospitals throughout the state of Michigan and is training approximately 1,000 residents each year.

As a community-focused medical school, they believe in exposing students to real world medicine and diverse populations that match the public health challenges faced by all physicians in the medical profession. The opportunities to learn beyond the curriculum are amazing and the work helping people is inspiring.

In order to best meet the needs of an extremely diverse population of people from Michigan and beyond, Michigan State University College of Human Medicine’s admissions process uses a balanced and holistic approach that considers an applicant’s academic metrics, experiences and personal characteristics in an attempt to achieve the educational benefits of a diverse student body.

It also recognizes that many applicants who are underrepresented in medicine come from geographic, socioeconomic and educational disadvantaged backgrounds, and that people from these backgrounds are more likely than others to eventually serve disadvantaged, underserved and marginalized populations. As such, their admissions selection approach also allows for consideration of disadvantaged status in the decision-making process.

Medical schools in Michigan

The other schools that complete this list of top 5 best medical schools in Michigan includes the following:

Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine, 2200 N Squirrel Rd, Rochester, MI 48309, United States. Phone: +1 248-370-2100

Oakland University (Oakland) and Beaumont Hospital (Beaumont) were founded at approximately the same time, half a century ago, in close proximity to each other and in a region of greater Detroit. Today, Oakland is one of 15 public universities in Michigan. Oakland has an enrollment exceeding 18,000 students and a Carnegie classification of doctoral/research university-intensive.

On February 10, 2015, the Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine was granted full accreditation by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education. This five-year accreditation fulfills a promise Oakland University and Beaumont Health System leaders made six years ago to build an innovative new medical school in Oakland County committed to providing exceptional training for new physicians.

In their admissions review process, they utilize a mission-based, holistic review. Through this process they look to attract bright and talented applicants who share the mission, vision, and values of OUWB. Besides, applicants who are most successful have demonstrated their commitment to serving their communities, as well as the medical profession. 

Only U.S. citizens and permanent residents are eligible for admission.  Applicants who did not attend U.S. or Canadian schools should complete at least one year, preferably two, in residence at a regionally accredited college or university. The accredited institution must validate all previous academic credits.

OUWB Financial Services strives to help students ease the financial cost of their medical educations by offering multiple types of financial assistance.  Combined, these resources enable every student at OUWB to meet the costs of their medical education investment regardless of income level or financial background.

Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine offers an innovative four-year curriculum that vertically integrates the basic and clinical sciences. The training of their students to become compassionate physicians starts with skills instruction and patient encounters beginning in the first semester.

The program of study includes an organ system-based preclinical curriculum integrated with longitudinal courses in the art and practice of medicine, medical humanities and clinical bioethics, the promotion and maintenance of health and personal and professional development. Also, a four-year-long research program requires each student to move beyond competency requirements and contribute to the advancement of medicine and healthcare by undertaking a scholarly project.

Medical schools in Michigan

Western Michigan University Homer Stryker MD School of Medicine, 300 Portage Street, Kalamazoo, MI 49007, United States. Phone: +1 269-337-4400

The new medical school is a collaboration involving Western Michigan University and Kalamazoo’s two teaching hospitals, Borgess Health and Bronson Healthcare. They are among only a few U.S. medical schools in several decades to be built from the ground up, but they are built on the strengths of extraordinary partners. Western Michigan University ranks among the 50 largest colleges and universities, and among the top 100 national public doctoral universities in the U.S.

Their two hospital partners are recognized nationally for innovation and quality, and have provided undergraduate and graduate medical education, including through Michigan State University Kalamazoo Center for Medical Studies – now WMed – for more than 40 years. Also, WMed offers the full continuum of undergraduate, graduate and continuing medical education in southwest Michigan. The institution is a private medical school supported by private gifts, clinical revenue, research activity, student tuition, and endowment income.

Access is limited to WMed students, residents, fellows, faculty, and staff, as well as those having scheduled business with the medical school. The facility is not open to the general public. Throughout the year, they host scheduled events that are open to the public, and those dates and times are generally posted on their website.

Community and affiliate enthusiasm for the downtown site is remarkable and appreciated. The primary use of the facility is to conduct medical education and official medical school activities. This includes programs that support their mission and events that the medical school hosts or co-sponsors with community partners.

Kalamazoo has a variety of appropriate venues that should be used for meetings and events that are not part of medical school activities. They prepare students for the medical profession and other careers in the healthcare industry and train residents and fellows to provide patient- and family-focused care. They offer continuing education to enhance knowledge and competence.


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